Trade name:    Dole ®
Founded in Hawaii in 1851, Dole Food Company, Inc., with 2007 revenues of $6.9 billion, is the world's largest producer and marketer of high-quality fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. Dole markets a growing line of packaged and frozen foods, and is a produce industry leader in nutrition education and research. The Company does business in more than 90 countries and employs, on average, 36,000 full-time, regular employees and 23,000 full-time seasonal or temporary employees, worldwide.
Link to: corporate website, europe site, Wikipedia, Facebook
Under the same trademark I have also stickers of Ananas, Banana, Grapefruit, Mango, Melon, Papaya, Plum, Kiwi and Tomato.

Dole - Analytical key
  • Thin plastic
    • Only Trade name
      • Arrow
        • ® up regarding Dole = series 01
        • ® down regarding Dole = series 01A
      • W/o arrow
        • 19 mm wide
          • Very little ® = series 02
          • Medium ® = series 02A
        • 21 mm wide = series 03
    • Trade name and/or origin and/or cv. and/or plu
      • 1 element
        • Only origin
          • Arrow = series 04
          • W/o arrow
            • Dole 10,5 mm wide = series 05
            • Dole 12 mm wide = series 06
            • Dole 13,5 mm wide = series 07
        • Only Cv.
          • Cv. name up = series 08
          • Cv. name down
            • Very little ® w/o arrow = series 09
            • Little ® with arrow = series 09A
            • Medium ® up in respect of horizontal line = series 10
            • Big ® nearly at same height of horizontal line = series 11
        • Only Plu = series 11A.
      • 2 elements
        • Cv. and origin
          • W/o arrow and tab = series 12
          • Arrow = series 13
        • Cv. and plu
          • W/o tab red plu = series 14A
          • Tab with blue arrow and red plu = series 14B
          • Tab with blue arrow = series 14
          • Tab with red arrow (half moon) = series 15
          • Tab with blue arrow (arc) = series 16
          • Vertical, Tab with red arrow (half moon) = series 17
      • 3 elements (Cv., plu and origin)
        • W/o tab = series 18
        • Tab with blue arrow = series 19
        • Tab with red arrow (half moon) = series 20
        • Minibarcode = series 20A
  • Thick plastic
    • Only origin = series 21
    • Only plu = series 22
    • Cv. and origin = series 23
  • Paper
    • 6 cuts
      • Only origin = series 24
      • Cv. and origin = series 25
      • Cv. and plu = series 25A
    • No cuts = series 26

Series 01 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow.
Fruit Cultivars: w/o cv /.

Series 01A - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow.
Fruit Cultivars: w/o cv \ /.

Series 02 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 19,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow.
Fruit Cultivars: w/o cv |.

Series 02A - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 19,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow.
Fruit Cultivars: w/o cv | .

Series 03 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 21,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow.
Fruit Cultivars: w/o cv |.

Series 04 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow.
Fruit Cultivars: w/o | Argentina, | Chile.>

Series 05 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 19,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow.
Fruit Cultivars: w/o cv | Chile.

Series 06 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 19,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow.
Fruit Cultivars: w/o cv | Argentina .

Series 07 - thin plastic, little ® near e
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 19,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow.
Fruit Cultivars: | Chile.

Series 08 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow.
Pears Cultivars: / Packham's.

Series 09 - thin plastic, little ® near e
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 19,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: | Granny Smith.
Pears Cultivars: | Packham's.

Series 9A - thin plastic, little ®
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: \ Royal Gala.

Series 10 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: / Braeburn, \ / Granny Smith, | Royal Gala.

Series 11 - thin plastic, bigger ®
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: \ / Granny Smith.
Pears Cultivars: / Packham's.

Series 11A - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 14,0 x 20,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: / #4020.

Series 12 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 19,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: | Granny Smith Chile, Royal Gala Chile.

Series 13 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: | Granny Smith Chile, | Royal Gala Chile.
Pears Cultivars: | Packham's Chile.
Series 14 - thin plastic

Very variable in ® dimension and position, Cv. and plu dimensions. Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow.
Apples Cultivars: 3: / Royal Gala #4174 (little ®); 4: \ Braeburn #4103; 5: \ Fuji #4131, \ / Granny Smith 4017; 6: / Royal Gala #4174 (big ®).
Pears Cultivars: 1: / Beurre Bosc #4413; 2: / Packham's #4421; 4: \ Beurre Bosc #4026.
Series 14A - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 19,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: 1: | Braeburn #4103, | Fuji #4131, | Red Delicious #4015; 20: | Golden Delicious #4021.

Series 14B - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: Royal Gala #4173.

Series 15 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: / Gala #4135, \ Golden Delicious #4020, \ Red Delicious #4015 and #4016.
Pears Cultivars: \ Bartlett # 4409, / D'Anjou #4416.

Series 16 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: / Cameo #3066.

Series 17 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 14,0 x 20,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: \ / Red Delicious #4016.

Series 18 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 19,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow.
Pears Cultivars: | Packham's 4421 Chile.

Series 19 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 19,5 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: | Braeburn #4103 Chile, | Fuji #4131 Chile, | Granny Smith #4139, | Royal Gala #4174 Chile (it exists also with enlarged cv. name and thinner blue bar under Dole).
Pears Cultivars:| Asian Pear #4408 Chile, | Packhams #4421 Argentina, \ / Williams #4409 Argentina.

Series 20 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: | Red Delicious 4016 USA.


Series 20A - thin plastic, minibarcode
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 17,0 x 21,0 mm - Colours: blue, red, yellow and black.
Pears Cultivars: William 4409 Argentina
Labels differ by barcode and edge

Series 21 - thick plastic
Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 19,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Fruit Cultivars: w/o cv Chile.

Series 22 - thick plastic
Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle:absent - Dimensions: 19,0 x 10,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: # 4017.

Series 23 - thick plastic
Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 19,5 x 14,5 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: Braeburn Chile, Royal Gala Chile.

Series 24 - paper 6 cuts
Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 19,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow.
Fruit Cultivars: no cv. Chile

Series 25 - paper 6 cuts
Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 17,5 x 14,5 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow.
Pears Cultivars: Packham's Chile

Series 25A - paper, 6 cuts
Material: paper - Surface: half-shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 17,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow. Apples Cultivars: Royal Gala #4174.

Series 26 - paper
Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 18,5 x 15,0 mm - Colours: blue, red and yellow.
Fruit Cultivars: no cv. Argentina